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White Pine — (Pinus Strobus)

The white pine is favored in parks and spacious yards, both for its beauty and its fast growth. This tree transplants easily and works well for windbreaks and is widely used as a Christmas tree.

It grows in an oval, pyramidal shape up to 80 feet tall. However, it is sensitive to air pollution, road salt, and soil compaction. It works best in hardiness zones 3-8, and full sun and partial shade are best for this tree.

White Pine Premium

White Pine #1 Grade

Serbian Spruce — Picea Omorika

An elegant specimen, the Serbian spruce deserves a more prominent place in commercial and residential landscapes. It can be used in groups, as a single tree, or even as an evergreen street tree. The Serbian spruce represents a welcome alternative to the all-to-common Norway and Colorado spruce. Its beauty and adaptability make it ideal for home landscapes, buffer strips, salt-free median strips, and parking lots.

This tree is much more than a pretty face. With sturdy branches and a tolerance of most urban conditions, few diseases appear to bother this spruce. Some sources list aphids, mites, scale, and budworm as potential insect problems. It does best in hardiness zones 4-7 with full sun and partial shade.

Serbian Spruce Premium

Serbian Spruce #1 Grade